Hi Rene,
I have read your book in just a few hours and I am delighted you seem to have beaten dreadful odds. May you live many more decades. You are a true inspiration. So, for the rest of us still in the struggle in 2018, where can we get a hold of Coleys toxin in 2018?
I am writing to you from Canada. Knowing that BMVax is out of business now and that, for my particular case, I am a melanoma stage 3b, at best stage 2b with ridiculous odds of recurrence after 20 months since diagnosis living in Quebec, Canada where standard of care is still in the dark ages (latest adjuvant trials confirmed at ESCO in Spain last September 2017 confirms that the right way to go is Opdivo for immune therapy of the Braf inhibitors if you have that mutation - which 8 don’t seem to have), how do I treat myself with the Coleys toxin? Where do I find it besides Chipsa hospital in Tijuana (where I went last January and came back two days later after seeing how they are ripping people off) or maybe Oasis of Hope in Cancun (where I suspect the same thing is goins on - without mentioning your own experience there!!!) Is there a way to get a reliable toxin source nowadays?
I do not have access to Opdivo as adjuvant in Quebec today. It will likely be years before it is approved as adjuvant for my case where I live. So, Coleys or I sell everything I own to try and buy it out of pocket not knowing if it will ever work? Cause we know the response rates. I am a firm believer about priming the immune system as you reported in your book - before going immune therapy. How to go about it today though??? I am fighting to just stay in the fight! Not even knowing if anything can work! Just wanting to stay in the arena! So any up-to-date information coming from you would be welcomed Rene. Off-label does not exist here in Canada. Public health systems are the opposite of your private one in the US. Same goes for the UK.
Where can I get a reliable coleys toxin today in 2018 for my personal use? I will do whatever necessary to inject it IV in myself; that’s a given.
Your help is invaluable. Thank you fot having shown the way so early in this new path of cancer CURE! I also have to point out that I am NOT eligible for clinical trials at the moment nor will be in the future because of a low genetic platelet condition. What else is left besides Coleys and some vaccine priming solution I should get somewhere
Reply in post #4 of this thread: http://www.curingcancerbook.com/coleys-toxin-2018