Hi Renee and Edward
Just came across this news today and thought of you both! You may be interested in having a read and give us your thoughts. It's great to see that Australian scietiists are working tirelessly to hopefully one day eradicate or at the very least control the spread of cancer in the body.
Further to above.
Is anyone familiar with the work of Dr Jason Williams? It’s intriuging but I wonder if too good to be true. Has anyone heard/researched or undergone intratumotal injections of OX40/TGLR or other immunotherapies? The Stanford mouse study of recent is the animal model for this. It appears it’s being done by some outside the US. I’m considering this. Have 4 and 5 cm lung mets.synovial sarcoma.
I am waiting to hear from Dr Auoun in Detroit and am sending a scan up to Dr Dupuy in Cape Code for potential partial ablation discussions.
I haven’t had consult with Dr Williams yet. Costs are $50k+ I believe. I would appreciate any insight into this strategy you might be ane to oro ide.
I posted briefly about this yesterday then edited and lost my post. I have heard about an interventional radiologist who practices outside the states who injects tumors with OX40/TLR agonist (similar to recent Stanford study). This is incredibly intriguing work—but also a bit new and scary! I have stage 4 Synovial sarcoma with 4 and 5 cm lung mets. I am told that partially ablating (not fully as this can suppress immune response) and intratumoral injections may have better effect. Has anyone had any experience with this procedure, seen an interventional radiologist who treats this way (please please say yes!!!). Has anyone had a TGF-B blood level drawn to see if it is a driver of imm7ne resistance? Costs appear $50k or above. I have also sent scans to Dr Auoun in Detroit and am waiting to hear back from Dr Dupuy an interventional radiologist on I heard about on Cape Cod.
Thanks much for any input!