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Diet preparation before radiotherapy/chemotherapy

Dear Rene & Edward,

In Chapter 2, prior to Rene underwent radiotherapy & chemotherapy, she had to put on extra weight in order to act as a reserve due to the unforgiving effects of the treatment.
Did Rene do Ketogenic diet in order to put on the extra weight?.
As I am gearing up for my IMRT of the T1 spinous process, I need to consume extra carbohydrate (brown rice and low glycaemic index whole grain bread) in order to increase my weight by more than 5-10kg, but I am worry that more carbohydrate means more glucose conversation, hence feeding the cancer cells more than usual.
I would appreciate your feedback as to what I should and should not eat in order to put on the extra weight.
Thank you very much for your help.

Rene and Edward Chee
weight gain

It was very hard to gain weight on the ketogenic diet, so we don't recommend it if your goal is to gain weight. Rene did not do the ketogenic diet before radiation + chemo.

Some possibilities to increase your calorie intake:
- low glycemic carbs
- good quality protein (grass-fed organic beef, organic chicken, organic eggs)
- fats that are low in omega 6 fats, or have no omega 6 fats (coconut oil, butter)
Also refer to the nutritional information for some common food items that we have compiled. The websites where we got the information is listed there too. http://curingcancerbook.com/nutrition-facts-low-omega-6-diet-and-ketogen...